Be the Sports Enthusiast You Always Wanted to Be

If you're struggling with sluggish muscles or recurring pain during runs or bike rides, a sports massage may be the solution. This targeted therapy relieves tension, improves circulation, and boosts performance so you can enjoy your workouts again. Don't let discomfort hinder you – invest in a sports massage today.

Sports massage that is geared towards YOU!!

Sports massage is often a varied touch depending on your needs at the time of your appointment. weekend warriors alike! No, you do not have to be a competitive athlete to benefit from this method!

Sports Massage is not a specific modality or technique. It is a way of applying certain massage techniques from a variety of firm massage to Swedish massage to specific injury treatment, to a specific clientele… You! Your muscles believe that you are an athlete because of the daily activities including those weekend warrior workouts that seem to be catching up to you as you spend your remaining time of the week behind the computer! And yes, it is for the athletes that push themselves in training that come in and melt on the table asking to fix something like knee pain or should pain in their last workout.

Not everyone that comes in receives the same kind of sports massage… if your a runner, can you imagine having me work on your arms the majority of the time, most likely you would want your lower body worked on! However, if your a climber, working on the arms sure would feel great, right? I will discuss your individual needs on an ongoing basis to see where exactly we need to work during your session that day.

“I was amazed at how quickly, efficiently, and with relatively little pain Tana got rid of knots and tight muscles, getting my body aligned in just one session. She's way more than just a great massage therapist! Training up to 35 hours a week, I know I can really push my body to the limits, because at the end of the week, Tana will just fix me again."

Conrad Stoltz

7x World Champion off road triathlete. 

2x Olympic Triathlete.

53 XTERRA Championship victories.

So, when should you get a Sports massage? This answer depends at what stage in the training you are in. In general, up til a few days before an event you can get some good work, the day before, it will look a lot different to get you ready without overworking your muscles. Recovery massage the day after an event can help you recover faster and more efficiently.

Some people will choose to see me twice a week, or once a month depending on where they are in their endeavors. Basically, the harder you train, the more massage you should be receiving. Sports massage can enhance your performance, help keep balance within your body to align with your mind and speed up recovery time between sporting events and workouts, and also for the office worker that has been behind a desk for longer than than care to admit!

I’m sure that you will have more questions, and I am happy to answer your questions. I will do my best to answer and help you navigate through your quest of being healthier through exercise! Feel free to call, text or send me an email.