Motion Specific Treatment

Motion Specific Massage is one of the most effective solutions I can offer you to resolve your musculoskeletal condition. No other treatment modality even comes close to achieving the results that I can with Motion Specific massage in conjunction with other modalities and newer thought processing patterns that I am immersing myself in.

Using Motion Specific massage, I am able to:

  • Substantially increase the rate of healing within muscles, ligaments, tendons, joints, connective tissue, and neurovascular structures.

  • Restore mobility, strength and function by addressing a larger kinetic chain.

  • Quickly resolve, or substantially reduce the painful experience from a wide range of musculoskeletal conditions.

  • Achieve a full resolution of numerous musculoskeletal conditions where multiple singular techniques have previously failed.

  • Customize your treatment by tapping into the power of my diverse training in over the nearly 3 decades of treatment modalities that come with only time and experience.

  • Achieve results that would not be possible by using a singular treatment technique.