Firm Swedish Massage…

Decompress from your day!!

Relax, Restore, Renew…

How are you feeling right now? Does your body feel tight, achy, stiff, or tired?
All of these symptoms are health issues that can drag you down every day and, over time, takes a toll on your immune system, your ability to handle stress – making you more susceptible to disease that can come your way.  Swedish Massage can bring you relief.

Your body needs time away from activity and stress. When you give yourself this much needed therapy and body work, you reduce stress and inflammation, and improve blood flow and healing. The answer is in getting a regular massage, and letting your body tell you what it needs that day!  The great thing about Firm Swedish Massage, is that your not getting a massage that is too deep and your completely relaxed through the entire session.

Firm Swedish Massage

hen you get a really good Firm Swedish Massage, your body will get the treatment it needs to relax, release, repair, and realign … and you’ll feel better… in fact, your overall health will improve!

Almost immediately in this restorative massage, your body will start to respond in wonderfully therapeutic ways:

Your back, neck, arms, and legs will sink down under the warm blanket as your brain and body welcomes the restorative massage your overworked body needs…

  • Your muscles and joints will heat up from the friction and increased blood flow. You’ll feel places relax and even “crack” as they begin to unlock, get oxygen, and release…

  • Chronically stuck, entrapped soft-tissue will begin to break away…

  • Your mind and body will settle down as you take the time to get away from it all…

  • Your heart rate will become calm and steady…

  • Endorphins will release like a tingling drug that washes euphoric feelings of well-being over your entire body…

  • You’ll start to let go, relaxing like a rag-doll…

  • Even your sinuses may start to drain and your ears pop as the cells and strands throughout your body release…
    My clients tell me that as I’m massaging one part of their body, the other parts I haven’t yet worked on will actually crave the attention. It’s like they’re aching to be touched!

I’ve felt tense hips and thighs, stiff necks, low back knots, and aching shoulders melt right under my fingers. Deep-tissue massage is a more focused type of massage with deeper pressure, more targeted strokes, and kneading that penetrates and releases the core of chronically tight muscles.

You’ll feel the healing effects of massage throughout your body; but afterwards I’ll always remind you that undoing chronic tension and injury is achieved with an integrated program. This includes regular massage and release treatment (especially when an injury occurs), exercise, correction of your posture and ways of moving, and relaxation.

When your body is ready for the many benefits of massage, call or email me to make an appointment.